Insurer Partnerships

reparación daños granizo falsos mitos

Repairing hail damage to vehicles: False myths

Every year there are more hail storms We are seeing violent hail storms striking different areas of…

2022: a year of momentum towards our 2025 vision

2022: a year of momentum towards our 2025 vision

Impact 2022 The war in Ukraine has shown the fragility of the world balance and the impact it can…

levers, varillas, leve tirabolli 4

Levers: the best weapon for vehicle dent removal

A technique applicable from 1 to thousands of vehicles with multiple dents Among the various PDR…

Climatic change and the growth of hail damages on vehicles

Climatic change and the growth of hail damages on vehicles

For a while now there have been statistical studies and evidence that point to the reality of…